SEO Optimization for Images
Metadata goes beyond page descriptions and HTML tagging. Did you know web images also have an impact on your website's performance?
Yes, while the type of photos you choose to feature on your website is important, how you prep them for the website matters a lot more! Below are a few key things to remember when uploading new photos to your website.
1. File Names
You probably didn't know this but renaming your files with keywords gives you a major advantage in search. Instead of naming a product image "product-mockup-01," try being a little more specific. Instead, name the image "blue-short-satin-dress." Potential customers will be more likely to find your store beause instead of searching "product" they will search for "dress." Your image will show in the results!
2. File Size
The length of time it takes your website to load is a significant factor in determining it's rank in search. One way to increase load speed is by making sure you're not uploading massive photos. Remember to export your images for web (72dpi, rgb color).
Most web builders have limits on photo size; make sure you stay well below them! Also consider how many photos exist on the website. Try not to overpopulate the pages with photos, as it will take longer to load each image. On average, 25 images per page is okay.
3. File Compression
In addition to the size of a photo, you also want to keep in mind the size of the file itself! You can use a file resizing website to compress your files to an optimal size without compromising picture quality. It's an extra step, yes, but it's so worth it!
4. Speed Test
Check your website's performance often! Shopify allows you to view your website's speed report in the Analytics tab. Check your web builder for a similar feature. It's normal to have a fluctuating speed score, but if you're consistently seeing low scores, it's possible your image selection is the culprit! Now that you know these amazing hacks, it's time to up your image uploading game. Don't make your website suffer, take the extra time to optimize your photos!